At the recent South Australian Tourism Awards, the Riverland Visitor’s Guide produced by Woof Media for Destination Riverland picked a Silver Award in the Destination Marketing category.
WriteMind’s Steve Williss wrote the copy for the guide after a whirlwind, yet intensive, visit to the region with Woof Media’s Naomi Blacker and gun photographer Michael Haines from Kevin Killey Photographics. We were also escorted around the region by Caroline and Cassie from Destination Riverland.
The team at Woof then put together an amazingly quirky and vibrant publication that challenges the perception of the traditional A4 visitor guide.
The handy A5 size guide is also proving to be a popular format with other regions who have also asked Woof Media to do the same for them.
Check out the Facebook posts from both Naomi and from Woof Media acknowledging my involvement.